Tuesday, May 6, 2014

One Mark Questions

Q1 Suggest a method to purify a liquid which decomposes at its boiling point.

A 1 The process Distillation Under reduced pressure is used to purify a liquid which decomposes at its boiling point.

Q 2 How will you separate a mixture of O-nitrophenol and p- nitrophenol ?

A 2 O-nitrophenol is steam volatile therefore it can be separated by Steam distillation.

Q 3 Lassaigne’s test is not shown by diazonium Salt. Why?

A 3 On heating diazonium Salts loses Nitrogen and could not fuse with the Sodium metal therefore diazonium Salt do not show Positive Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen.

Q 4 Alcohols are weaker acids than Water, Why ?

A 4 The alkyl group in alcohols has + I effect due to which electron density is increases on Oxygen atom which makes the release of hydrogen ion more difficult from alcohol.R → O →H

Q 5 Why is nitric acid is added to Sodium extract before adding Silver nitrate for testing halogens ?

A 5 Nitric acid is added to decompose  NaCN and Na2S

NaCN      +   HNO3           →    NaNO3   + HCN

Na2S  +  2HNO3    →     2NaNO3 + H2S

Q 6 which of the two O2NCH2CH2-or CH3CH2O is expected to be more stable and why ?

A 6 NO2group has –I effect and disperse the negative charge on Oxygen atom O2N ←CH2← CH2O-
Q 7 Arrange the following in increasing Order of Stability ;

(CH3)3C +, CH3CH2CH2C+H2, CH3CH2C+HCH3,CH3C+H2, CH3CH2C+H2A 7 CH3C+H2< CH3CH2C+H2< CH3CH2CH2C+H2<CH3CH2C+HCH3< (CH3)3C +
Q 8 Write the IUPAC name of the following

CH3 CH CH  CH2    CH3


A 8  2,3Dimethylpentane

Q 9 Write the hybridized state of C atoms in the following

CH2  =  CH -  C  Ξ  N

A 9       sp2sp2sp

CH2  =  CH -  C  Ξ  N

Q 10 Give the IUPAC name of the following compound.

A 10  2,5Dimethylheptane

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