Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Q.1.  Mention the factors that affect equilibrium constant.

 Ans. Temperature, pressure, catalyst and molar concentration of reactants and products.

Q.2. Whatis ionic products of water? Ans. Kw = [H+] [OH-]

Q.3. Write conjugate acids of H2O & NH3.
Ans. H3O+& NH4+.

Q.4. Define Arrhenius acids.

Ans. Arrhenius acids are the substances that ionize in water to formH+.

Q.5. Define the term degree of ionization.
Ans.Extent up to which an acid/base/salt ionize to form ions.

Q.6. What are  Buffer solutions?

Ans.The solutions which resist change in pH on dilution or with the addition of small amounts of acid or alkali are called Buffer Solutions.
Q.7. Write Kc for the gaseous reaction- N2 + 3H2 2NH3
Ans. Kc=[NH3]2/[N2] [H2]3

Q.8. Out of H2O & H3O+which is stronger acid?

Ans. H3O+.

Q.9. What is common ion effect?

Ans. Shift in equilibrium on adding a substance that provides more of an ionic species already present in the dissociation equilibrium.

Q.10. Write relationship between Kp and Kc for the gaseous reaction - N2 + O2 2NO

Ans.Kp = Kc as∆n is zero for the above said reaction.

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