Saturday, May 10, 2014


1.Which one of the following order is correct for the first ionization energies of the elements ?

1. B < Be < N< O    2. Be < B < N < O   3. B< Be < O < N    4. B < O < Be < N

2.The elements ‘X’,’Y’ and ‘Z’ from oxides which are acidic, basic and amphoteric respectively. The correct order of their electro – negativity is

1. X > Y >Z               2) Z > Y > X               3) X > Z > Y              4) Y > X > Z

3.The atomic numbers of elements A, B, C and D are z – 1, z, z+1 and z+2 , respectively. If B is a nobles gas, choose the correct answers from the following statements:

a) A has higher electron affinity b) C exists in +2 oxidation state c) D is an alkaline Earth metal

1) a and b                   2) b and c                    3) a and c                    4) a,b and c

4.Element with Atomic number 38, belongs to

1) II A group and 5th period                                     2) II A group and 2nd period
3) V A group and 2nd period                                     4) III A group and 5th period

5.An oxide of an element is a gas and dissolves in water to give an acidic solution. The element belong to

1) II group                  2) IV group                3) VIII group              4) zero group

6.Observe the following statements :

I) The physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their electronic configuration

II)Electronegativity of fluorine is less than the electronegativity of chlorine

III)Electropositive nature decreases from top to bottom in a group The correct answer is

1) I, II and III are correct                              2) only I is correct

3) only I and II is correct                               4) only II and III are correct

7.Identify the correct order in which the covalent radius of the following elements increases.

(I) Ti
(II) Ca
(III) Sc

(1) I, II, III
(2) III, II, I
(3) II, I, III
(4) I, III, II

Identify the correct order in which the ionic radius of the following ions increases




(1) III, I, II
(2) I, II, III
(3) II, III, I
(4) II, I, III

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