Monday, May 12, 2014

1. The wavelength of electron waves in two orbits is 3 : 5. The ratio of kinetic energy of electrons will be: 

1. 25 : 9 2. 5 : 3 3. 9 : 25 4. 3 : 5

2. Electrons with a kinetic energy of 6.023×104 J/mol are evolved from a surface of a metal, when is exposed to radiation of wavelength of 600 nm. The minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from the metal atom is
1. 2.3125×10-19 J 2. 3 × 10-19 J 3. 6.02 ×10-19 J 4. 6.62×10-34 J

3. With increase in Principal Quantum number n, the energy difference between adjacent energy levels in Hydrogen atom 

1) Increases 2) Decrease 3) Remains constant 4) Decrease for lower values of n and increases for higher values of n

4 Assertion (A) : The probability of finding an electron in a small volume around a point (x,y,z) at a 

distance ‘r’ from the nucleus is proportional to ψ 2 . 

Reason (R) :- Subatomic particles have both wave and particle nature 

1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A 

3) A is true but R is not true 4) A is not true but R is true

5. The velocities of two particles A and B are 0.05 and 0.02 ms-1 respectively. The mass of B is five times the mass of A. The ratio of their de Broglie’s wavelength is 

1) 2 : 1 2) 1 : 4 3) 1 : 1 4) 4 : 1

6. Among the first lines of lyman, balmer, paschen and brakett series in hydrogen spectra, which has higher energy?
1) Lyman
2) Balmer
4) Brackett

7.How many electrons are present in M-shell of the atom of element with atomic number 24
1) 5
3) 12
4) 13

8. in C-14 isotope the numebr of neutrons would be
1) 6
2) 14
3) 8
4) 10

9. Radius of second Bohr orbit is
1) 2.12nm
2) 0.212nm
3) 0.053 nm
4) 0.0016nm

10. Neutron was discoverd by
1) rutherford
2) thomson
3) goldstein
4) chadwick

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