Sunday, May 4, 2014


1.    6.023 ×1023 molecules of Ca (OH)2 react with 3.01×1022 molecules of HCl, number of moles of CaCl2 obtained are
      (A) 0.05                                                        (B) 0.10
      (C) 0.025                                                       (D) 3.01

2.    A copper sulphate solution contains 1.595% of CuSO4 by weight. Its density is 1.2 g / ml, Its molarity will be
      (A) 0.12                                                         (B) 0.06
      (C) 1.20                                                         (D) 1.595

3.   Which of the following samples contains 2.0 ´ 1023 atoms?
      (A) 8.0 g O2                                                    (B) 3.0 g Be
      (C) 8.0 g C                                                    (D) 19.0 g F2

4.    Choose the wrong statement:-
      (A) 1 Mole means 6.02 ´ 1023 particles
      (B) Molar mass is mass of one molecule
      (C) Molar mass is mass of one mole of a substance
      (D) Molar mass is molecular mass expressed in grams

5.    What quantity of limestone (CaCO3) on heating will give 56 Kg of CaO?
      (A) 1000 Kg                                                                (B) 44 Kg
      (C) 56 Kg                                                                  (D) 100 Kg

6.   Simplest formulae of a compound containing 50% of element X (atomic weight 10) and 50% of element Y (atomic weight 20) is
      (A) XY                                                                      (B) X2Y
      (C) XY¬3  (D) X2Y3

7.   At room temperature and pressure two flask of equal volumes are filled with H2 and SO2 respectively. Particles which are equal in number in two flasks are
      (A) Atoms                                                                  (B) Electrons
      (C) Molecules                                                          (D) Neutrons

8.    Chlorophyll contains 2.68% of magnesium by mass. Calculate the number of magnesium atoms in 3.00 gms of chlorophyll.
      (A) 2.01 ´ 1021 atoms                                                      (B) 6.023 ´ 1023 atoms
      (C) 1.7 ´ 1020 atoms                                                        (D) 2.8 ´ 1022 atoms

9.   What is the total number of atoms present in 25.0 mg of camphor C10H16O?
      (A) 9.89 ´ 1019                                                             (B) 6.02 ´ 1020                  
      (C) 9.89 ´ 1020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (D) 2.67 ´ 1021

10.   2 mol of H2S and 11.2 L SO2 at N.T.P. reacts to form x mol of sulphur; x is
      SO¬2  + 2H2S ¾¾® 3S + 2H2O
      (A) 1.5                                                                       (B) 3
      (C) 11.2                                                                      (D) 6

11.   How many grams of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) would be needed to neutralise 100 g of magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2).
      (A) 66.7 g                                                     (B) 252
      (C) 112.6 g                                                     (D) 168 g           
12.   If 0.5 mol of BaCl2 is mixed with 0.2 mol of Na3PO4, the maximum number of mol of Ba3(PO4)¬2 that can be formed is
      (A) 0.7                                                                      (B) 0.5                          
      (C) 0.2                                                                      (D) 0.1

13.   The number of electron in the telluride ion. Te2– is
      (A) 50                                                                      (B) 52
      (C) 53                                                                      (D) 54

14.   An ore contains 1.34% of the mineral argentite, Ag2S, by weight. How many grams of this ore would have to be processed in order to obtain 1.00 g of pure solid silver, Ag?
      (A) 74.6 g                                                      (B) 85.7 g
      (C) 134.0 g                                                     (D) 171.4 g

15.   Hydrogen evolved at NTP on complete reaction of 27 gm of Al with excess of aq NaOH would be
      (Chemical reaction: 2Al + 2NaOH + 2H2O ¾® 2NaAlO2 + 3H2)
      (A) 22.4 lit                                                                 (B) 44.8 lit

      (C) 67.2 lit                                                                (D) 33.6 lit

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