Monday, May 12, 2014


1.The synthesis of crotonaldehyde from acetaldehyde is an example of ....reaction 
1) Nucleophilic addition 2) Elimination 
3) Electrophilic addition 4) Nucleophilic addition- elimination

2.Which one of the following is not a method for preparing chloroform ? 

I) Heating ethyl alcohol with chlorine and alkali 
II) Heating acetone with bleaching powder and water 
III) Heating chloral hydrate with aqueous sodium hydroxide 
IV) Distillation of acetone over iron filings and water 
1) II 2) I 3) III 4) IV

3.Which of the following reactions of acetic acid involve C-OH bond? 
I) Action of Na II) Formation of acid chloride
III) Action with NaHCO3 IV) Formation of an ester
1) I, II 2) II, III 3) III,IV 4) II,IV

4.The compound that reacts with CH3MgBr to yield methane as one of the products is

5. The organic compound which gives peroxy compound on exposure to atmospheric air in the presence of sunlight is 
1) C2H5OC2H5 2) CHCl3 3) CH3CH2OH 4) CH3CHO

6. Nitrobenzene undergoes reduction with Zn/alcoholic KOH to form a compound A. The number of Sigma and Pi bonds in A, respectively are (M-2008) 

1)17,6 2) 27,6 3) 27,8 4)17,8
7. Which one of the following reactions is called Rosenmued reaction ? 

1.Aldehydes are reduced to alcohols 
2.Acids are converted to acid chlorides
3.Alcohols are reduced to s hydrocarbons 
4.Acid chlorides are reduced to aldchydes

8. Ethyl chloride on reduction with gives compound ‘X’ as important, ‘X” on chlorination with one mole of in the presence of light at ordinary temperature gives ‘Y’ . What is Y ? 

1) C2 H6 2) C 2 H4 3) C2 H5Cl 4) C2 H5OH

9. Methyl alcohol when reacted with carbon monoxide using cobalt or Rhodium as catalyst compound ‘A’ is formed, ‘A” on heating with AI in the presence of red phosphorus as catalyst ‘B’ is formed Identify ‘B” 
1) CH3COOH 2) CH3CHO 3)CH3CH2I 4) CH3CH3

10.Nitrobenzene on reduction with Zinc and NH4Cl gives
1) Azobenzene 2) Aniline 
3) Hydrazobenzene 4) N-Phenyl hydroxylamine

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