Wednesday, April 30, 2014


One mark questions:

1. Why are halides of beryllium polymeric?

Ans:- the halides of Be are electron deficient as their octets are incomplete. Therefore, to complete their octets, the halides polymerize.

2. Name the groups which constitute s-block elements. Ans:- group-1 and 2

3.Arrange the alkaline earth metal carbonates in the decreasing order of thermal stability.
Ans:- BaCO3> SrCO3 > CaCO3> MgCO3 > BeCO3

4.Write the general electronic configuration of s-block elements.
Ans:- [Noble gas] ns1-2

5.What is the chemical formula of Plaster of Paris? Ans:- CuSO4.1/2H2O
6.Name the compound which can be obtained by Solvay’s process.

Ans:- Sodium carbonate

7.How does the basic character of hydroxides of alkali metals vary down the group? Ans:- Increases down the group

8.Which out of MgSO4 or BaSO4is more soluble in water? Ans:- MgSO4

9.Name radioactive elements of group 1 and 2. Ans:- Francium and Radium.

10.Which elements of alkaline earth metals family do not give characteristic flame colouration?

Ans:- Be and Mg

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