Saturday, April 26, 2014


(iv)   Oxidation State   
The alkali metals show +1 oxidation state. The alkali metals can easily loose their valence electron and change into uni-positive ions
M → M+ + e-         

Due to low ionization energy,
the alkali metals can easily lose their valence electron and gain stable noble gas configuration. But the alkali metals cannot form  ions as the magnitude of second ionization energy is very high.

(v)    Reducing Properties
The alkali metals have low values of reduction potential (as shown in table-I) and therefore have a strong tendency to lose electrons and act as good reducing agents. The reducing character increases from sodium to caesium. However lithium is the strongest reducing agent.

The alkali metals have low value of ionization energy which decreases down the group and so can easily lose their valence electron and thus act as good reducing agents.  

(vi)   Melting and Boiling Points
The melting and boiling points of alkali metals are very low because the intermetallic bonds in them are quite weak. And this decreases with increase in atomic number with increases in atomic size.

(vii) Density
The densities of alkali metals are quite low as compared to other metals. Li, Na and K are even lighter than water. The density increases from Li to Cs.
Due to their large size, the atoms of alkali metals are less closely packed. Consequently have low density. On going down the group, both the atomic size and atomic mass increase but the increase in atomic mass compensates the bigger atomic size. As a result, the density of alkali metals increases from Li to Cs. Potassium is however lighter than sodium. It is probably due to an unusal increase in atomic size of potassium.
(viii) Nature of bond formed   
All the alkali metals form ionic (electrovalent) compounds. The ionic character increases from Li to Cs because the alkali metals have low value of ionization energies which decreases down the group and hence tendency to give electron increases to form electropositive ion.
(ix)   Conductivity
The alkali metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. This is due to the presence of loosely held valence electrons which are free to move throughout the metal structure.

(x)    Photoelectric Effect
Alkali metals (except Li) exhibit photoelectric effect (A phenomenon of emission of electrons from the surface of metal when light falls on them). The ability to exhibit photoelectric effect is due to low value of ionization energy of alkali metals. Li does not emit photoelectrons due to high value of ionization energy.

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