Saturday, April 26, 2014

The various orbitals in an atom qualitatively distinguished by their size, shape and orientation.
The atomic orbitals are precisely distinguished by the numbers known as quantum numbers. Each
orbital is designated by three quantum numbers labelled as n, l and m.
There are four quantum numbers required for a complete explanation of electrons in an atom.
The quantum numbers are
1) Principal quantum number (n)
2) Azimuthal quantum number ( l)

3) Magnetic quantum number (m)
4) Spin quantum number (s)
1. Principal Quantum Number (n):
i. It was proposed by Neil’s Bohr
ii. The value of n is 1,2,3,4............. (Or) K, L, M, N............ respectively
iii. As ‘n’ value increases, the size and energy of the orbit also increase.
Iv. The maximum number of electrons possible in an orbit = 2n2
v .The maximum number of orbitals possible in an orbit = 2n
vi. The maximum number of sublevels possible in an orbit =n
vii. The angular momentum of an electron in an orbit i.e. mvr = nh/2_
Significance: It indicates the size and energy of the orbit for hydrogen atom and hydrogen like
2.Azimuthal Quantum Number(L):
I . It was proposed by Somerfield
ii. The values of l are 0, 1, 2,..... (n-1), a total of n values.
iii. The value of l represents various sub shells and l = 0,1,2,3 etc... are called s,p,d,f..........
iv. It indicates the orbital angular momentum of electron. Orbital angular momentum of the electron
is given by ( 1)
l l
V. It represents the sub shell to which electron belongs.
Significance: It indicates the shape of orbitals S-spherical, P-dumb bell and d- double dumb bell.
3. Magnetic Quantum Number (m):
i. It was proposed by Lande
ii. The values of m are +l to -l including zero, a total of 2l+1 values
iii. The total number of m values indicates the total number of orbitals in the subshell. The number
of orbitals in s, p, d and f sub shells is 1, 3, 5 and 7 respectively
iv. The number of oribitals in a sub shell =2l+1 and electrons = 2(2l+1)
Significance: It indicates the orientation of orbitals in space
4. Spin Quantum Number(S):
i. It was proposed by Goldsmith and Uhlenbeck
ii. The values of S in clock wise direction is represented by + 1/2 and anti clock wise, direction is
represented by - 1/2
iii. An orbital can accommodate maximum of 2 electrons with opposite spin.
iv. The maximum number of electrons accommodated by s, p, d and f subshells is 2,6,10 and 14

Significance: It indicates the direction of the spin of the electron

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