Saturday, April 26, 2014

 (1)    Determination of equivalent masses of elements:
According to second law of electrolysis when the same quantity of electronic current is passed through solutions of salts of two different cells, the amounts of the metals deposited on the cathodes of the two cells are proportional to their equivalent masses of the respective metals. If the amounts of the metals deposited on the cathodes be WA and WB respectively, then

WA/WB = (Equivalent mass of A)/(Equivalent mass of B)
Knowing the equivalent mass of one metal, the equivalent mass of the other metal can be calculated from the above relationship. The equivalent masses of those non-metals which are evolved at anodes can also be determined by this method.
 (2)    Electronmetallurgy:
The metals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium aluminum, etc., are obtained by electrolytes of fused electrolytes.

Fused electrolyte                                                Metal isolated
NaCl + CaCl2 + KF                                             Na
CaCl2 + CaF2                                                              Ca
Al2O3 + cryolite                                                Al     
MgCi2 (35%) + NaCl (50%) + CaCl2 (15%)             Mg
NaOH                                                              Na
KCl + CaCl2                                                     K
(3)    Manufacture of non-metals:
Non-metals like hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine are obtained by electrolysis.

(4)    Electro-refining of metals:The metals like copper, silver, gold, aluminum, tin, etc., are refined by electrolysis.
(5)    Manufacture of compounds:
Compounds like NaOH, KOH, Na2CO3 KCIO3, white lead, KMnO4, etc., are manufactured by electrolysis.
(6)    Electroplating:
The process of coating an inferior metal with a superior metal by electrolysis is known as electroplating.
The aims of electroplating are:
(i)     To prevent the inferior metal from corrosion.
(ii)    To make it more attractive in appearance.

The object to be electroplated is made the cathode and block of the metal to be deposited is made the anode in an electrolytic bath containing a solution of a salt of the anodic metal. On passing electric current in the cell, the metal of the anode dissolves out and is deposited on the cathode-article in the form of a thin film. The following are the requirements for fine coating:
(i)  The surface of the article should be free from greasy matter and its oxide layer. The surface is cleaned with chromic acid or detergents.
(ii)  The surface of the article should be rough so that the metal deposited sticks permanently.
(iii)  The concentration of the electrolyte should be so adjusted as to get smooth coating.
(iv)  Current density must be the same throughout.

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