Wednesday, April 30, 2014

1. Sweetest sugar is _______________
2. Example for polysaccerides is _____________
3. Polyhydroxy aldehydes are _____________
4. Poly hydroxyl ketones are ______________

5. Number of carbon atoms in Hectose are ___________
6. In Tollen’s test, Glucose reduces________________.
7. Defacation is addition of _______________
8. Acidity in the sugar cane juice is removed by adding ___________
9. The sugar content of molasses is _________________
10. The main by-product in sugar industry is ___________
11. The chief use of ethyl alcohol is as ____________________
12. ____________________is added to get absolute alcohol from rectified spirit.
13. Consumption of denatured spirit causes ______________________
14. Calorific value of Glucose is ___________________
15. Plants prepare carbohydrates by the process known as ______________
16. Number of monosaceride units in aligo saccaride is ____________
17 The dirty grey precipitate formed during the preparation of Tollen’s reagent is ____
18. The spent cane is called ___________
19. ___________________are used to separate the crystals of sugar and liquid juices.
20. The sugar cane contains____________of sucrose by weight.
21. ____________is the micro organism used for fermentation of molasses.
22. Sucrose is broken down into ____________________during fermentation.
23. Sucrose is broken down into Glucose and fructose during fermentation by the enzyme
24. _________________enzyme breaks Glucose.
25. The products obtained from glucose during fermentation are ___________________
26. ___________is the by-product of alcohol industry.
27. ______________are building blocks of Proteins.
28. Number of essential amino acids are ___________
29. Polymeric compounds of amino acids are ____________
30. Co-NH bond is called ______________
31. ___________________is the process of breaking down of large molecules into small molecules by
the action of enzymes.
32. Starch can be tested by _______________
33. 96% alcohol is commercially called _____________
34. ________________is added to denatured spirit.
35. The precipitates formed by defecation, carbonation, and sulphitation is called_____.
36. The result of Tollen’s test is ___________
37. In Benedict’s test, glucose reduces __________
38. The result of Benedict’s test is _______________
39. _________________is used in the preparation of beer.
40. The bond between the Amino acids present in proteins is _________
41. General formula of polysaccerides is ______________
42. The amount of energy made available by consumption of one gram of a substance is known as its
43. In sulphitation ___________is added to the juice.
44. The purified sugarcane juice is called __________________
45. Amino acids consists salt like structures called ________________ions.
46. The alcohol found in fermentation is technically called as _______________

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