Wednesday, April 30, 2014

 1. Percentage of carbon in the earth crust is ________
2. The occurrence of same element in two or more different forms is known as ______
3. Important allotropic forms of carbon are __________
4. The density of Diamond is _____________
5. The refractive index of diamond is __________

6. ______________is used as glass cutter.
7. In diamond carbon atoms are in ______________arrangement.
8. The C-C bond length in diamond is ___________
9. The C-C bond angle in diamond is ________________
10. The allotropy of carbon used as lubricant is _____________
11. The density of graphite is _______________
12. Graphite contains carbon atoms in ______________rings.
13. In graphite the C-C bond length is __________
14. In graphite the C-C bond angle is _________________
15. Two successive graphite layers are separated by ___________________
16. C60 contains ________pentagonal rings and _______hexagonal rings of carbon.
17. C60 is a _________________like structure.
18. In C60 the average bond length is _________
19. The poisonous gas mainly found in exhaust fumes of industry and automobiles is __
20. Carbon dioxide is present in air to the extent of about ________by volume.
21. CO2 dissolves in water and gives ________
22. ___________is used as fire extinguisher.
23. Solid carbon dioxide is called ___________
24. The phenomenon in which atoms of same element join together to form long chains is known as
25. Compounds having same molecular formula but different structures are called ________and the
phenomenon is called as ___________
26. The oldest coal is called _______________
27. Anthracite consist ___________carbon.
28. Bituminous coal consists of ____________carbon.
29. Lignite consists of _____________carbon.
30. The compounds containing exclusively carbon and hydrogen are known as ______
31. Example of aromatic hydrocarbon is __________
32. Saturated hydrocarbons are also known as _____________
33. General formula of alkanes is ________________
34. If one hydrogen is removed from alkane it is called ___________group.
35. Alkanes undergo _______________reactions.
36. Formula for chloroform is _______________
37. L.P.G consists of ____________________
38. The unsaturated hydrocarbons having at least one C = C are known as ____________
39. The general formula of alkenes is ____________
40. Alkenes are also known as ______________
41. Alkenes undergo ______________reactions.
42. Ethylene in liquid state undergoes polymerization to give ____________
43. Ethylene mixed with air is used as_________________
44. The unsaturated hydrocarbons consisting C = C are known as __________
45. The general formula of alkynes is _________
46. Common name of ethyne is ______________
47. _______________is used for artificial ripening of fruits.
48. The gas used in welding is __________________
49. The presence of alcoholic functional group is tested by addition of _________metal
50. –COOR is called ___________________
1) 0.3%
2) Allotropy
3) Diamond and Graphite
4) 3.51 gm/cc
5) 2.41
6) Diamond
7) Tetrahedral
8) 1.54A0
9) 1090 28’
10) Graphite
11) 2.25gm/cc
12) Hexagonal
13) 1.42A0
14) 1200
15) 3.35A0
16) 12, 20
17) Foot ball
18) 1.4A0
19) Co
20) 0.03%
21) Carbonic acid
22) CO2
23) Dry ice
24) Catenation
25) Isomers , Isomerism
26) Anthracite
27) 95%
28) 82%
29) 72%
30) Hydrocarbons
31) Benzene
32) Paraffins
33) CnH2n + 2
34) Alkyl
35) Substitutiion
36) CHCl3
37) Butane (C4H10)
38) Alkene
39) CnH2n
40) Olefins
41) Addition
42) Polythene
43) Anaesthetic
44) Alkynes
45) CnH2n - 2
46) Acetylene
47) Acetylene
48) Acetylene
49) Sodium

50) Ester group

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