Saturday, April 26, 2014

1. The first classification of elements is attempted by ––––––––––––––––
2. The modern periodic table has –––––––––––––––– periods
3. The first period has –––––––––––––––– elements.
4. The –––––––––––––––– period is incomplete.

5. In a group the electro negativity –––––––––––––––– from top to bottom.
6. Addition of hydrogen to a given compound is called ––––––––––––––––
7. Elements from atomic Number 58 to 71 are known as ––––––––––––––––
8. The –––––––––––––––– attempt of classification of elements are made by Dobereiner.
9. In –––––––––––––––– the atomic weight of middle element is nearly the arithmetic
mean of first and third elements.
10. Mendeleev and –––––––––––––––– used Atomic property viz., atomic weight, for
classification of elements.
11. Mendeleev's periodic law states that the properties of elements are in periodic
dependence upon their ––––––––––––––––
12. Modern periodic laws states that the properties of the elements are periodic functions of
their ––––––––––––––––
13. Modern periodic table is divided into –––––––––––––––– periods and ––––––– groups.
14. The first period has only –––––––––––––––– elements.
15. The second and third periods have –––––––––––––––– elements.
16. Fourth, fifth and sixth periods have –––––––––––––––– elements each
17. –––––––––––––––– & –––––––––––––––– are placed at the bottom of the periodic table.
18. –––––––––––––––– period is incomplete.
19. Based on the electronic configuration, the elements are classified into –––––––––– types.
20. –––––––––––––––is the distance between the centre of the nucleus and the outmost orbit.
21. Atomic radius is expressed in the units of ––––––––––––––––
22. In a period atomic radius –––––––––––––––– from the left to right and in a group it
–––––––––––––––– from top to bottom.
23. –––––––––––––––– is the energy required to remove an electron from the outermost
orbital in the gaseous state.
24. I.E. is expressed in ––––––––––––––––
25. In a group ionization energy –––––––––––––––– from top to bottom and in period
ionization energy varies irregularly.
26. –––is the ability of the bonded atom to attract the electron density of the shared electrons.
27. –––––––––––––––– is expressed in Pauling's state.
28. In a period Electro Negativity values –––––––––––––––– from left to right of periodic
table and in a group it –––––––––––––––– from top to bottom.
29. Scandium was discovered by ––––––––––––––––
30. Gallium was discovered by ––––––––––––––––
31. Mendeleev's eka boron because ––––––––––––––––
32. Mendeleef predicted an element with atomic weight 68 and named as ––––––––––––
33. Eka aluminium is treated as ––––––––––––––––
34. Eka boron because ––––––––––––––––
35. Elements from atomic number 90 to 103 are known as ––––––––––––––––

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