Wednesday, April 30, 2014

 1. Percentage of carbon in the earth crust is ________
2. The occurrence of same element in two or more different forms is known as ______
3. Important allotropic forms of carbon are __________
4. The density of Diamond is _____________
5. The refractive index of diamond is __________

6. ______________is used as glass cutter.
7. In diamond carbon atoms are in ______________arrangement.
8. The C-C bond length in diamond is ___________
9. The C-C bond angle in diamond is ________________
10. The allotropy of carbon used as lubricant is _____________
11. The density of graphite is _______________
12. Graphite contains carbon atoms in ______________rings.
13. In graphite the C-C bond length is __________
14. In graphite the C-C bond angle is _________________
15. Two successive graphite layers are separated by ___________________
16. C60 contains ________pentagonal rings and _______hexagonal rings of carbon.
17. C60 is a _________________like structure.
18. In C60 the average bond length is _________
19. The poisonous gas mainly found in exhaust fumes of industry and automobiles is __
20. Carbon dioxide is present in air to the extent of about ________by volume.
21. CO2 dissolves in water and gives ________
22. ___________is used as fire extinguisher.
23. Solid carbon dioxide is called ___________
24. The phenomenon in which atoms of same element join together to form long chains is known as
25. Compounds having same molecular formula but different structures are called ________and the
phenomenon is called as ___________
26. The oldest coal is called _______________
27. Anthracite consist ___________carbon.
28. Bituminous coal consists of ____________carbon.
29. Lignite consists of _____________carbon.
30. The compounds containing exclusively carbon and hydrogen are known as ______
31. Example of aromatic hydrocarbon is __________
32. Saturated hydrocarbons are also known as _____________
33. General formula of alkanes is ________________
34. If one hydrogen is removed from alkane it is called ___________group.
35. Alkanes undergo _______________reactions.
36. Formula for chloroform is _______________
37. L.P.G consists of ____________________
38. The unsaturated hydrocarbons having at least one C = C are known as ____________
39. The general formula of alkenes is ____________
40. Alkenes are also known as ______________
41. Alkenes undergo ______________reactions.
42. Ethylene in liquid state undergoes polymerization to give ____________
43. Ethylene mixed with air is used as_________________
44. The unsaturated hydrocarbons consisting C = C are known as __________
45. The general formula of alkynes is _________
46. Common name of ethyne is ______________
47. _______________is used for artificial ripening of fruits.
48. The gas used in welding is __________________
49. The presence of alcoholic functional group is tested by addition of _________metal
50. –COOR is called ___________________
1) 0.3%
2) Allotropy
3) Diamond and Graphite
4) 3.51 gm/cc
5) 2.41
6) Diamond
7) Tetrahedral
8) 1.54A0
9) 1090 28’
10) Graphite
11) 2.25gm/cc
12) Hexagonal
13) 1.42A0
14) 1200
15) 3.35A0
16) 12, 20
17) Foot ball
18) 1.4A0
19) Co
20) 0.03%
21) Carbonic acid
22) CO2
23) Dry ice
24) Catenation
25) Isomers , Isomerism
26) Anthracite
27) 95%
28) 82%
29) 72%
30) Hydrocarbons
31) Benzene
32) Paraffins
33) CnH2n + 2
34) Alkyl
35) Substitutiion
36) CHCl3
37) Butane (C4H10)
38) Alkene
39) CnH2n
40) Olefins
41) Addition
42) Polythene
43) Anaesthetic
44) Alkynes
45) CnH2n - 2
46) Acetylene
47) Acetylene
48) Acetylene
49) Sodium

50) Ester group
1. When non metallic oxides are dissolved in water, ______are formed.
2. When metallic oxides are dissolved in water, _____are formed.
3. Blue litmus changes into red colour in the presence of_______.
4. Acid changes the colour of the methyl orange indicator into________.
5. Acids react with bases to form _________

6. Red litmus changes into blue colour in the presence of __________
7. Base changes the colour of the methyl orange indicator into _________
8. According to Arrhenius theory, acids are the substances which produce_____ions in aqueous solution.
9. According to Arrhenius theory, bases are the substances which produce _____ions in aqueous solution.
10. Arrhenius theory is applicable only for the substances which are soluble in _____only.
11. At 250C, the concentration of H+ ions is ____to the concentration of OH- ions.
12. The ionization of water is _______dependent.
13. Increase in the temperature ______the extent of ionization.
14. The product of concentrations of H+ ions and OH- ions in one mole of water is defined as the ____
15. Ionic product of water Kw = _____
16. At 250C, Kw = ______
17. The term pH is introduced by _______
18. The negative logarithm of H+ ion concentration is defined as the _____
19. pH = __________
20. If pH < 7, then the solution is_________.
21. If pH > 7, then the solution is ___________
22. If pH = 7, then the solution is _________
23. The pH of 0.001M Hcl solution is ________
24. The concentration of H+ ions in a solution whose pH = 8 is _____
25. The Kw is ___________________dependent.
26. Example for strong acid is ________
27. Example for weak acid is ________
28. Example for strong base is_______.
29. Example for weak base is ____________
30. The heat liberated when one mole of acid reacts with one mole of base is defined as the ________
31. The heat evolved when a strong acid reacts with a strong base is equal to __________
32. NaOH + Hcl Nacl + H2O + ____________
33. The body fluid whose pH > 7 is ____________
34. Weak acids ionize upto _________
35. The colour of phenophthalene indicator in basic solution is__________.
36. The pH of acids is in the range of _________
37. The pH of bases is in the range of __________
38. For weak acids and weak bases the percentage of ionization increases with increasing _______
39. The pH of gastric juice is _________
40. Strong acids ionize upto _____________
1) Acids
2) Bases
3) Acid
4) Red
5) Salt and water
6) Base
7) Yellow
8) H+
9) OH-
10) Water
11) Equal
12) Temperature
13) Increases
14) Ionic product of Water (Kw)
15) [H+] x [OH-]
16) 1.0 x 10-14 Mole ion2 / Litre2
17) Sorenson
18) PH
19) – log [H+}
20) Acid
21) Base
22) Neutral
23) 3
24) 10-8
25) Temperature
26) Hcl
28) NaOH
29) NH4OH
30) Heat of Neutralization
31) 13.7 K. cal/mole
32) 13.7 K.Cal/mole
33) Blood
34) <100%
35) Pink
36) 0 to 7
37) 7 to 14
38) Dilution
39) 1 to 2

40) 100%
1. The chief sources of oils are ____________
2. The cation of soap useful for dry cleaning is _______________
3. Shaving soap contains excess of ___________
4. The fatty acid obtained from cotton oil is ____________

5. The catalyst used in the hydrogenation of oils is _________
6. The chemical formula of soap is _____________________
7. The catalyst used in soap manufacturing is _____________
8. ___________________is completely removed in baby soaps.
9. Transparent soap contains ________________
10. Deodorant soap contains _____________________
11. The formula of stearic acid is _________________
12. Oils are triestors of _______________________________
13. The chemical formula of oleic acid is _____________
14. ______________________improves preservation, taste and odour of many oils.
15. Hydrolysis of oils and fats in the presence of a base is called ____________
16. The by product in the preparation of soap is __________
17. Sodium salt of ABS or FAS + builders = _________
18. Saturated fatty acids have high _____________________
19. ___________________removes the Ca2+ ions present in hard water.
20. Detergents are useful even in hard water because _____________
21. All soaps contain ________of water.
22. Fat exists in ________________state at room temperature.
23. ____________________is a fat obtained by the catalytic hydrogenation of vegetable oil.
24. The chemical formula of lauric acid is _________________
25. Chemically _________________are sodium salts of alkyl benzene sulphonates of fatty alcohol

1) Animals and Plants
2) Tri ethanol ammonium
3) Stearic acid
4) Oelic acid
5) Ni
6) C17H33COONa.
7) Zinc Oxide
8) Glycerol
9) Glycerol
10) 3,4,5 Tribromo salicylanilide
11) C17H35COOH
12) Glycerol and Fatty acid
13) C17H33COOH
14) Hydrogenation
15) Hydrogenation of oils
16) Glycerol
17) Soap
18) Melting point
19) Na3 PO4
20) They react with hard water but do not form porecipitate
21) 30%
22) Solid
23) Vanaspati (Dalda)
24) C11H23COOH

25) Detergents.
1. Sweetest sugar is _______________
2. Example for polysaccerides is _____________
3. Polyhydroxy aldehydes are _____________
4. Poly hydroxyl ketones are ______________

5. Number of carbon atoms in Hectose are ___________
6. In Tollen’s test, Glucose reduces________________.
7. Defacation is addition of _______________
8. Acidity in the sugar cane juice is removed by adding ___________
9. The sugar content of molasses is _________________
10. The main by-product in sugar industry is ___________
11. The chief use of ethyl alcohol is as ____________________
12. ____________________is added to get absolute alcohol from rectified spirit.
13. Consumption of denatured spirit causes ______________________
14. Calorific value of Glucose is ___________________
15. Plants prepare carbohydrates by the process known as ______________
16. Number of monosaceride units in aligo saccaride is ____________
17 The dirty grey precipitate formed during the preparation of Tollen’s reagent is ____
18. The spent cane is called ___________
19. ___________________are used to separate the crystals of sugar and liquid juices.
20. The sugar cane contains____________of sucrose by weight.
21. ____________is the micro organism used for fermentation of molasses.
22. Sucrose is broken down into ____________________during fermentation.
23. Sucrose is broken down into Glucose and fructose during fermentation by the enzyme
24. _________________enzyme breaks Glucose.
25. The products obtained from glucose during fermentation are ___________________
26. ___________is the by-product of alcohol industry.
27. ______________are building blocks of Proteins.
28. Number of essential amino acids are ___________
29. Polymeric compounds of amino acids are ____________
30. Co-NH bond is called ______________
31. ___________________is the process of breaking down of large molecules into small molecules by
the action of enzymes.
32. Starch can be tested by _______________
33. 96% alcohol is commercially called _____________
34. ________________is added to denatured spirit.
35. The precipitates formed by defecation, carbonation, and sulphitation is called_____.
36. The result of Tollen’s test is ___________
37. In Benedict’s test, glucose reduces __________
38. The result of Benedict’s test is _______________
39. _________________is used in the preparation of beer.
40. The bond between the Amino acids present in proteins is _________
41. General formula of polysaccerides is ______________
42. The amount of energy made available by consumption of one gram of a substance is known as its
43. In sulphitation ___________is added to the juice.
44. The purified sugarcane juice is called __________________
45. Amino acids consists salt like structures called ________________ions.
46. The alcohol found in fermentation is technically called as _______________
                                CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS


Q1. Select the species which are iso-electronic (same number of electron) with
each other.

(1) Ne
(2) Cl-
(3) Ca2+
(4) Rb+

Cl- and Ca2+. Both have 18 e_ each.

Q.2. What the elements of a group have common among them?

Ans- They have same number of electrons in the valence shell.

Q.3. What the s- and p- block elements are collectively called?

Ans- Representative elements.

Q.4. Define atomic radius.

Ans- The one-half the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atoms of the same element in a molecule is called as atomic radius.

Q.5. State the modern periodic law.

Ans- The physical and chemical properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic numbers.

Q.6. Name the groups of elements classified as s-, p- and d- blocks.

Ans- s- block= 1,2 (including He), p- block= 13 to 18 (except He), d- block= 3 to 12.

Q.7. Define the term ionisation enthalpy.

Ans- The energy required to remove the outer most electron from the valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom is called as ionisation enthalpy.

Q.8.In how many groups and periods the elements in modern periodic table are classified?

Ans- In 18 groups and 7 periods.

Q.9. What do you mean by electronic configuration of the elements?

Ans- The systematic distribution of the electrons among the orbitals of an atom of an element according to increasing order of their energies is called as electronic configuration of that element.


One mark questions:

1. Why are halides of beryllium polymeric?

Ans:- the halides of Be are electron deficient as their octets are incomplete. Therefore, to complete their octets, the halides polymerize.

2. Name the groups which constitute s-block elements. Ans:- group-1 and 2

3.Arrange the alkaline earth metal carbonates in the decreasing order of thermal stability.
Ans:- BaCO3> SrCO3 > CaCO3> MgCO3 > BeCO3

4.Write the general electronic configuration of s-block elements.
Ans:- [Noble gas] ns1-2

5.What is the chemical formula of Plaster of Paris? Ans:- CuSO4.1/2H2O
6.Name the compound which can be obtained by Solvay’s process.

Ans:- Sodium carbonate

7.How does the basic character of hydroxides of alkali metals vary down the group? Ans:- Increases down the group

8.Which out of MgSO4 or BaSO4is more soluble in water? Ans:- MgSO4

9.Name radioactive elements of group 1 and 2. Ans:- Francium and Radium.

10.Which elements of alkaline earth metals family do not give characteristic flame colouration?

Ans:- Be and Mg

2, 6
2, 8, 6

2, 8, 18, 6
2, 8, 18, 18, 6
2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 6
2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 6