Sunday, March 30, 2014


    1. Equilibrium in Water : 
      • Equilibrium Constant , K = 
         = KC
      • In terms of partial pressure
        Equilibrium Constant , Kp = 
        pCc pDdpAa pBb
         = Kc (RT)Δng       [Δng = np - nr]
    2. Van't Hoff Equation : 
    3. Gibb's Free Energy 
      ΔG = Δ - TΔS
      ΔGo = - 2.303 RT log10K
    4. Buffer : 
      pH = pKa + log 
      [conjugate base][acid]

      pOH = pKb + log 
      [conjugate acid][base]

      Mixture of weak acids = ( k1c1 +k2c2 )1/2
      α = 
      % conjugation100

      ∴ Ksp = [Ay+x [Bx-y
    5. Arrhenius Concept : 
      Substance which give H+ ions when dissolved in water are called acids , while gives OH- ions are called bases.
    6. Bronsted Lowry Concept : 
      Acid donates proton , base accepts ptoton.
    7. Ostwald's Dilution Law : 
      α = ( K / C)1/2
      K = dissociation constant of weak electrolyte
      C = Concerntatation
      α = degree of dissociation
      KW = [H+ ][OH- ]
    8. Hydrolysis Constant : 
      Kh = 
      h2C1 - h

      h = 
      amount of salt hydrolysedTotal salt taken

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