MCQ’S Based on : |
Q01. The general molecular formula of aldehydes and ketones is |
1) CnH2n-1.O | 2) CnH2nO |
3) CnH2n+2O | 4) CnH2n+4O |
Q02. Aldehyde functional group can occur |
1) Any where in the carbon chain | 2) In the middle of the carbon chain |
3) Only at the second carbon atom | 4) only at either end carbon atom of the chain |
Q03. Propan-2-ol on treatment with copper at 3000c forms |
1) Acetone | 2) Acetaldehyde |
3) Ethane | 4) Both 1 and 2 |
Q04. Which of the following is correct? |
1) Aldehydes undergo Cannizzaro’s reaction |
2) Aldehydes are less susceptible to oxidation than ketones |
3) Aldehydes are more susceptible to oxidation than ketones |
4) Formaldehyde forms CuO with Fehling’s solution |
Q05. IUPAC name of CH3CHOHCH2CHO is |
1) 2-hydroxybutanal | 2) 2-hydroxypropanal |
3) 3-hydroxybutanal | 4) b-hydroxybutanal |
Q06. The reagent which can be used to distinguish acetophenone from benzophenone is |
1) 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine | 2) Benedict’s solution |
3) Tollen’s reagent | 4) I2 and Na2CO3 |
Q07. Toluene on reacting with chromyl chloride gives: |
1) Chlorotoluene | 2) Benzyl chloride |
3) Benzaldehyde | 4) Benzoic acid |
Q08. Mesitylene is prepared from |
1) CH3CHO and conc. HNO3 | 2) CH3COCH3 and conc. H2SO4 |
3) CH3COCH3 and conc. HCl | 4) CH3CHO and conc. H2SO4 |
Q09. (CH3)2C = CHCOCH3 can be oxidised to (CH3)2C = CHCOOH by |
1) Chromic acid | 2) NaOI |
3) Cu at 3000c | 4) KMNO4 |
Q10. Oppenaur oxidation is the reverse process of |
1) Wolff –Kishner reduction | 2) Rosenmund’s reduction |
3) Clemmensen reduction | 4) Meerwein-Pondorf-Verely reduction |
Q11. In the reaction CH3CHO + CH2(COOH)2 ----------pyridine/heat ------->A. The compound A is |
1) CH3COOH | 2) C2H5COOH |
Q12. Benzaldehyde reacts with alcoholic KCN to give: |
1) C6H5CH(OH)CN | 2) C6H5CH(OH)COC6H5 |
3) C6H5CH(OH)COOH | 4) C6H5CH(OH)CH(OH)C6H5 |
Q13. Aldehydes and ketones do not react with |
1) sodium bisulphite | 2) phenyl hydrazine |
3) semi carbazide | 4) di hydrazine sodium phosphate |
Q14. Which of the following will undergo aldol condensation? |
1) CH2=CHCHO | 2) CH=CCHO |
3) C6H5CHO | 4) CH3CH2CHO |
Q15. Which type of isomerism is shown by the pentanone |
1) Chain isomerism | 2) Position isomerism |
3) Functional isomerism | 4) All 1, 2 and 3 |
Q16. Paraldehyde is formed as a result of polymerisation of |
1) CH3CHO | 2) HCHO |
3) CH3OH | 4) CH3CH2CHO |
Q17. Aromatic aldehydes in the presence of CN- ion give acyloins. The reaction is known as |
1) Perkin reaction | 2) Benzoin condensation |
3) Claisen condensation | 4) Cannizzaro’s reaction |
Q18. Which of the following method is used to convert ketone into hydrocarbon |
1) aldol condensation | 2) Reimer Tieman reaction |
3) Cannizzaro’s reaction | 4) Clemmensen’s reduction |
Q19. Which will not give formaldehyde on heating or upon distillation? |
1) Formalin | 2) Trioxane |
3) Paraldehyde 4) Paraformaldehyde | |
Q20. When ethanal is heated with Fehling’s solution it gives a precipitate of |
1) Cu | 2) CuO |
3) Cu2O | 4) CuO+Cu2O+Cu |
Q21. When CH3CHBrCH2CH3 is reacted with alcoholic KOH the major product is |
1) CH3CH=CHCH3 | 2) CH2=CHCH2CH3 |
3) CH3CH(OH)CH2CH3 | 4) CH3CH2CH2CH3 |
Q22. Benzene reacts with n-propyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give |
1) 3-propyl-1-chlorobenzene | 2) n-propyl benzene |
3) No action | 4) Isopropyl benzene |
Q23. Identify Z in the following series: |
CH2=CH2 -----HBr---> X ------Hydrolysis ----> Y -----I2 / excess NaOH ----> Z |
1) C2H5I | 2) C2H5OH |
3) CHI3 | 4) CH3CHO |
Q24. Bromoethane reacts with silver nitrite to form |
1) Nitroethane | 2) Ethane |
3) Ethylnitrite | 4) Nitroethane and ethylnitrite |
Q25. Which of the following compounds on oxidation gives benzoic acid? |
1) o-Chlorophenol | 2) p-Chlorotoluene |
3) Chlorobenzene | 4) Benzyl chloride |
Q26. Reaction between alkyl halide and sodium metal is called |
1) Wurtz reaction | 2) Kolbe’s reaction |
3) Clemmensen’s reaction | 4) Wurtz - Fittig’s reaction |
Q27. Which compound gives iodoform by reaction between I2 and NaOH? |
1) CH3OH | 2) C2H5OH |
3) C3H7OH | 4) C2H5OC2H5 |
Q28. The reactivity order of halides in dehydrohalogenation reaction is: |
1) R-F > R-Cl > R-Br > R-I | 2) R-I > R-Br > R-Cl > R-F |
3) R-I >R-Cl > R-Br > R-F | 4) R-F > R-I > R-Br > R-Cl |
Q29. Which of the following undergoes nucleophilic substitution exclusively by SN1 mechanism? |
1) ethyl chloride | 2) isopropyl chloride |
3) chlorobenzene | 4) benzyl chloride |
Q30. SN2 mechanism proceeds through intervention of: |
1) carbocation | 2) transition state |
3) free radical | 4) carbanion |
Q 1 2 | Q 11 3 | Q 21 1 |
Q 2 4 | Q 12 2 | Q 22 4 |
Q3 1 | Q 13 4 | Q 23 3 |
Q 4 3 | Q 14 4 | Q 24 4 |
Q 5 3 | Q 15 4 | Q 25 4 |
Q 6 4 | Q 16 1 | Q 26 1 |
Q 7 3 | Q 17 2 | Q 27 2 |
Q 8 2 | Q 18 4 | Q 28 2 |
Q 9 2 | Q 19 3 | Q 29 4 |
Q 10 4 | Q 20 3 | Q 30 2 |
| | | |
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