Friday, July 4, 2014

1. Which of the following units is useful in relating concentration of solution
with its vapour pressure?
(i) mole fraction
(ii) parts per million
(iii) mass percentage
(iv) molality
2. On dissolving sugar in water at room temperature solution feels cool to touch.
Under which of the following cases dissolution of sugar will be most rapid?
(i) Sugar crystals in cold water.
(ii) Sugar crystals in hot water.
(iii) Powdered sugar in cold water.
(iv) Powdered sugar in hot water.
3. At equilibrium the rate of dissolution of a solid solute in a volatile liquid solvent
is __________.
(i) less than the rate of crystallisation
(ii) greater than the rate of crystallisation
(iii) equal to the rate of crystallisation
(iv) zero
4. A beaker contains a solution of substance ‘A’. Precipitation of substance ‘A’
takes place when small amount of ‘A’ is added to the solution. The solution is
(i) saturated
(ii) supersaturated
(iii) unsaturated
(iv) concentrated
5. Maximum amount of a solid solute that can be dissolved in a specified amount
of a given liquid solvent does not depend upon ____________.
(i) Temperature
(ii) Nature of solute
(iii) Pressure
(iv) Nature of solvent
6. Low concentration of oxygen in the blood and tissues of people living at high
altitude is due to ____________.
(i) low temperature
(ii) low atmospheric pressure
(iii) high atmospheric pressure
(iv) both low temperature and high atmospheric pressure
7. Considering the formation, breaking and strength of hydrogen bond, predict
which of the following mixtures will show a positive deviation from Raoult’s
(i) Methanol and acetone.
(ii) Chloroform and acetone.
(iii) Nitric acid and water.
(iv) Phenol and aniline.
8. Colligative properties depend on ____________.
(i) the nature of the solute particles dissolved in solution.
(ii) the number of solute particles in solution.
(iii) the physical properties of the solute particles dissolved in solution.
(iv) the nature of solvent particles.
9. Which of the following aqueous solutions should have the highest boiling point?
(i) 1.0 M NaOH
(ii) 1.0 M Na2SO4
(iii) 1.0 M NH4NO3
(iv) 1.0 M KNO3
10. The unit of ebulioscopic constant is _______________.
(i) K kg mol–1 or K (molality)–1
(ii) mol kg K–1 or K–1(molality)
( iii) kg mol–1 K–1 or K–1(molality)–1
(iv) K mol kg–1 or K (molality)
11. In comparison to a 0.01 M solution of glucose, the depression in freezing point
of a 0.01 M MgCl2 solution is _____________.
(i) the same
(ii) about twice
(iii) about three times
(iv) about six times
12. An unripe mango placed in a concentrated salt solution to prepare pickle,
shrivels because _____________.
(i) it gains water due to osmosis.
(ii) it loses water due to reverse osmosis.
(iii) it gains water due to reverse osmosis.
(iv) it loses water due to osmosis.
13. At a given temperature, osmotic pressure of a concentrated solution of a
substance _____________.
(i) is higher than that at a dilute solution.
(ii) is lower than that of a dilute solution.
(iii) is same as that of a dilute solution.
(iv) cannot be compared with osmotic pressure of dilute solution.
14. Which of the following statements is false?
(i) Two different solutions of sucrose of same molality prepared in different
solvents will have the same depression in freezing point.
(ii) The osmotic pressure of a solution is given by the equation Π = CRT
( where C is the molarity of the solution).
(iii) Decreasing order of osmotic pressure for 0.01 M aqueous solutions of
barium chloride, potassium chloride, acetic acid and sucrose is
BaCl2 > KCl > CH3COOH > sucrose.
(iv) According to Raoult’s law, the vapour pressure exerted by a volatile
component of a solution is directly proportional to its mole fraction in
the solution.
15. The values of Van’t Hoff factors for KCl, NaCl and K2SO4, respectively, are
(i) 2, 2 and 2
(ii) 2, 2 and 3
(iii) 1, 1 and 2
(iv) 1, 1 and 1
 16. Which of the following statements is false?
(i) Units of atmospheric pressure and osmotic pressure are the same.
(ii) In reverse osmosis, solvent molecules move through a semipermeable
membrane from a region of lower concentration of solute to a region of
higher concentration.
(iii) The value of molal depression constant depends on nature of solvent.
(iv) Relative lowering of vapour pressure, is a dimensionless quantity.
17. Value of Henry’s constant KH ____________.
(i) increases with increase in temperature.
(ii) decreases with increase in temperature.
(iii) remains constant.
(iv) first increases then decreases.
18. The value of Henry’s constant KH is _____________.
(i) greater for gases with higher solubility.
(ii) greater for gases with lower solubility.
(iii) constant for all gases.

(iv) not related to the solubility of gases

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